Welcome to the first Young Adults HKPA Network, a network under the umbrella of the HKPA dedicated to young adults! This is the start of good things to come!
The content and vision of this network has been inspired by feedback from young adults currently in the renal services who have asked ‘why do I never meet other young adults like me?’.
Following a very successful focus group meeting, the idea of the Young Adult’s Network was born which will also tie in with the new Transition/ Young Adults Clinic started at Salford Royal Hospital.
Everyone counts in large amounts……
Our aim is to have a site by young adults for young adults. For example, our logo has been part- designed by one of our patients. The spirit of the logo is that you are unique but not alone, and together we can make a positive difference to ourselves and each other. We hope to build links to young adult-specific health, education, and career information. We hope to start running social activities as our network grows with new and existing members.
This website will be used to update you with upcoming events so watch this space!
Do get in touch if you have any ideas!
Dr Tina Chrysochou