BLOG 5 April 2016
This month started with an article to prepare for Leo Clifton the Volunteer Co-ordinator to place in this months ‘Volunteer’ magazine. It gave a description of my role and how I am recruiting and training Volunteers.
The Presentations and meetings are going really well. So far I have covered West Lancashire College (Skelmersdale), St Helens College, Bolton College twice for the Foundation Degree years 1 & 2 then the Level 3 students who are doing Complementary Therapies. The students love the presentations and it gives them an insight into what it is like to work in a clinical setting delivering Therapies. It has certainly given them a different direction to think about instead of Beauty and the Hospitality route.
I knew early on in my career that I wanted to work in a clinical setting, to make a difference and to help patients/clients with chronic illnesses. It was so rewarding to see the interest and the little sparkle in the students eyes (the same sparkle I had when I was in their place?!).
More College visits to organise later to Walkden and Wigan & Leigh Colleges.
Our 2 Volunteer Therapists are now in situ at Salford and doing really well; the patients love the treatments and look forward to seeing them when they are due in. The first couple of sessions require me to shadow the Therapists until they find their feet but they are flying solo now and enjoying every minute. Making the patients’ lives that little more comfortable is so rewarding from a therapist’s point of view – to be able to help someone who is has health conditions or may be in pain.
If you have any friends, family members or colleagues that are interested in learning a new skill and training in a short course of Complementary Therapies in order to become a volunteer, then please get in touch – I’d love to hear from you! Tel – 0161 20 64828 Tel: – 0161 20 68942