On Wednesday 20th December, doctors, nurses, support workers, health care assistants and dieticians all sang Christmas carols to renal patients. It brought smiles and Christmas cheer to patients who were on dialysis, patients on ward H3 and members of staff. It was also rewarding to the members of the choir.
Veronica, who works in the Vascular Research Department and helped organise the carol singing, said: “I thought it would be nice to sing to the patients on the renal unit, because I have done the same at the Bolton renal unit when I was a member of staff there.”
“It brought positive emotions to everyone who listened and even the choir members who sang. So much so that people involved wanted to begin practising monthly in the new year for Christmas 2018 and also just to promote ‘the feel good attitude’ due to the release of endorphins that are released when you sing.”
It was a great team building activity for the renal team with staff coming together selflessly to sing for their patients. This act put smiles on patient’s faces, especially those patients who were going to spend Christmas in hospital away from their families and friends. The patients were also given copies of the songs and they were happy to sing along with us.
As Veronica put it, “Christmas is about giving and when you can give your time and talent selflessly and expect nothing in return, that’s a great story.”
Thank you to the patients, their families and friends, and staff that got involved!